Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Keller using his pretend phone and calling his Mom!
 Hello Preschool parents! The week has been going great! We have been working hard on our farm unit.
Here is what we have been doing this week so far

  • Farm animals and their importance on the farm
  • Farmers and their responsibilities
  • crops on the farm and how they get from the farm to our plates!
We also have been having a lot of discussions about how we treat others and why its important not to hurt any ones feelings. We have been working on self esteem and manners at the lunch table. It has been very successful at the lunch table.

We also have been working on a different letter each day! Since it is a rainy day we have been enjoy the centers in the room and working on team work. It is nice to see the classroom all work together.

Mia and Malachi working on a picture together!

Activities to do at home if you would like:
  • While eating dinner be sure to ask your child what kind of manners we have at the table
  • Ask your child to go find something in the house that starts with the letter C. Since today our letter is C
  • Make sock puppets and put on a puppet show, as this week that is what the Preschool class has been enjoying

I hope you all have a great week!
Ms. Christine

Toddler News

Hello again parents. The week is half over and we have been having fun.

Today the children did sponge painting. We used a triangle shaped sponge and some green paint to do this activity. The children liked the results every time they lifted their sponge to see the shape they just made.

Today was the last time for our high school helpers. Daisy was a great help to us and we thank her.

Sad to say the weather was not on our side this morning. So we didn't get outside for our fresh air. Maybe things will clear up this afternoon. It would be nice.

Also today the children did great stacking our big blocks way up high! Each one is doing so good.

Just a reminder about the up coming field trip on June 7. We are in need of drivers so please let us know if you are able to drive and how many you can seat. Swim lesson will be upon us before you know it. If you would like your child to join please turn in your form soon. Thank you.

In the afternoon we plan on doing some sensory with play dough. Making triangles with the dough and other shapes too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

MONDAY MAY 23,2011

This week in the Preschool room we are still doing the farm unit. We will be talking about the crops on the farm and learning more about the animals on the farm. We will also be taking lots of nature walks if weather permits this week. Each day we will have a new letter. Monday is A Tuesday is B Wednesday is C Thursday is E Friday is F.

Please bring in gym shoes if your child is waring sandals to school so when we are on our nature walk, your child's feet are protected.

Thank you and have a good week!

Toddler New

Hello toddler parents.  I hope every one had a wonderful weekend.

This week we are learning about the color green an our shape is the triangle.  Today the children traced triangles to make a nice colorful collage.  We have more fun projects planned so keep an eye out.

The morning started out kinda ickey and rainy but thank you sun for comming out.  We were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

Hello Preschool families! This week has been going great! We have learned so much about farms. Mason brought in pictures of his farm this week, and the children absolutely loved them! Mason was so happy to be able to show his friends all his animals on his farm.

We have been adding animals to our farm, which is hanging on the wall. We also have been focusing on counting and recognizing numbers. In the afternoons we have been enjoying a lot of music and movement, singing about farms and going on bear hunts!

Next week we will be continuing our farm unit. We will get in more detail about the foods we get from the farm.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Toddler News

Hello and Good Afternoon to all our parents.  I hope the week has been good to you. It's almost Friday! 

Today the children had a blast doing their jell-o fun art project.  We used yellow ( pineapple ) jell-o to create our own unique free art.  Of course most ended up in our bellys but it's so nice to be able to enjoy our project in more then one way. :-)

Next week will be the last week of our high school helpers.  We thank them so much as they all were a great help to us and we hope they enjoyed the expereince. 

It was very nice out this morning so we all got outside to enjoy the beautiful temperture an fresh air.  The babies also joined us.

Later this afternoon will take our colorful streamers outside so the children can run and dance with them.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This week in the Preschool room we are talking about farms! Farming is so important for our little ones to learn where our food come from and how animals play such a big role in the farm. We will be learning about what kind of animals live on the farm and their purpose for the farm. Also what kind of crops are grown there and what farmers have to do everyday to make their farm work. 

Some of the children live on a farm, which is nice because they can help our friends understand about farming. Please bring in pictures if you have a farm so the children can see it.

We have started making our own farm. Each day we will paint a different farm animal and create our own farm. The children have been very intrerested in this unit.

Toddler News

Hello to all the toddler parents.  I hope every ones week is going good.  This week the children are learning about the color yellow and our shape is the square.

The children enjoyed doing some sponge painting of our square shapes.  Also we did our hand prints in the color yellow.  The children always like getting their hands messy.

The weather was much nicer today so got out an played in the fresh air.  The children can't wait to be able to play on our nice new grass we have thanks to all who helped this weekend. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Toddler News

Hello and good afternoon to all our toddler parents. This week we have been talking and learning about the color RED and RECTANGLES. Some of the children are starting to recognize the color red but some also like to just be funny and say its green.

For the children's projects this week they have, traced rectangles, finger painted red rectangles, sponge painted red rectangles to make a mobile, and today their favorite finger painted with red jell-o. I think more ended up in their belly then on the paper. Tomorrow we are hoping to make rectangles out of popsicle sticks.

Story time this week was interesting. We have asked all the children to bring in one of their favorite book so we could read it to the class.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This week in the Preschool room we have been talking about pets! We have been talking about breeders, veterinaries and just being an owner. We also discussed about our pets at home, and how we take care of them. It was adorable hearing stories about everyone's pets. Mia had brought in her hamster from home, the children were absolutely interested in seeing her hamster.  Mia was so happy that her friends were able to enjoy her pet.

The letter of the week is P. On Monday, I asked the children to tell me how many words they know that start with P, and they all came up with 16 words! I was very impressed! 

Each child made a fish bowl and through out the day they have to pretend to feed their fish and make sure they are all doing well. Today, Keller said one of his fish were not feeling well because he ate too much yesterday. This was so great to see the children using their imagination! 

This week has been going great and I am sure it will continue til Friday!

The rest of the week we will be graphing how many pets we have in our home, doing a pet sponge painting and on Friday going on a walk if weather permits.

Also, If you would like feel free to bring in any pet pictures you have so your child can share it with the class on Thursday or Friday! 

Enjoy the rest of the week! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Happy Wednesday!! The children are enjoying our color theme this week. Each day we have been making a new color using red yellow and blue. They are fascinated with what color it will turn in to. We have been working on our Mothers day presents and each child made it with love and care!

Today we graphed M&Ms. All the kids enjoyed this, but I think its because they were hoping to eat them after they were done. Instead I told the kids that they can put it in a baggie and bring them home. So please check in their cubbies.

Here are some photos of what the children have been doing this week! Enjoy

Keller in the book area reading about colors!

Mia and Aubri looking through magazines to find the color orange!

 Keller and Mia working hard in the block area! They build trains and made roads for their trackers!

Toddler News

Yea its a Sunny Day
Hello and good afternoon parents. So this week the children have been working on some Mothers Day surprises. They are all very excited about them and can't wait to share them with their mommies. Today is a beautiful day so we were out on the playground most of the morning. The children always get very excited when we go outside to play. They love playing with the other children in the center and all the different toys we have outside.

Later today we hope to read stories, finish some of the Mothers Day surprises,  and play with our cardboard blocks. The children can't get enough of these blocks they are a big hit. Yesterday the children and Ms. Jessica made a fort with the blocks and later yesterday Ms. Jessica stacked the blocks really high and then the children tried to stack them to see how high they could get them. It is a wonderful sight watching them watch me stack the blocks high up to the ceiling. You can just see the excitement in their eyes and when its falling the overwhelming shock and ohh no look like is that ok. We have been working on only knocking down their own blocks and not there friends blocks.

Monday, May 2, 2011

MONDAY MAY, 2, 2011

Hello Preschool families! This week we will be working on colors. Just like shapes, colors are all around us. In this theme we will be focusing on primary colors and making more colors by using red, blue, and yellow. We will be talking about and observing the colors in the food we eat.

At school
  • painting with food!
  • making a chart and using materials such as colored rice or pom poms and sorting them by color
  • graphing M&Ms
  • nature walk observing the colors we see
  • we will make a rainbow collage
  • observing how everyone has different colored skin, hair, and eyes.
  • reading stories about colors.
At home
  • you can observe the color of food while you are eating together.
  • Be sure to dress your child in the color of the day which is listed below
  • talk about how everyone has different color eyes, skin and hair.
Monday- Introduction to colors
Tuesday- Orange

Today we starting working on our color charts. The children had colored rice where they had to sort through and glue them on their personal color chart. We also enjoyed outside time. This afternoon we will be working on Mother's Day cards.

Enjoy making colorful discoveries with your child this week!

Ms. Christine

Toddler News

Welcome back to a wonderful Monday.  I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing weekend.  This week we are learning about love and working on Mother's Day surprises.

This morning we enjoyed some outside time. The children of course went straight for the sandbox.  We all had fun playing and getting our energy out.

The children are going to be working hard on all our little surprises for our loving, wonderful, and caring mommy's.