Dear Parents,
Hello again! Shapes will be the focus of our new unit this week. Our world consists of shapes. The children will become aware of this on an introductory walk around the block on Tuesday. They also will become familiar with the names of shapes and will classify objects according to their shapes. Most of the children already know the names of the shape, this is a good refresher for them. Consequently, the children will be more aware of all the shapes in our world. In addition, the children will be practicing drawing the basic shapes.
In the classroom I have new centers. We have a tracing shape center: where the children are able to recognize each shape and count each side. On the easel I will have a different shape each day for them to paint. I have a table for play dough with shape cookie cutters. I also have a writing area for them to practice writing each shape name.
Some of the fun filled learning activities scheduled for this unit include:
- Playing a game called "shape basket upset"
- Feeling and identifying objects by shape in a "feely box."
- Making and baking cookies out of play dough using various shapes
- Making a shape book and shape mobiles
- Practicing writing each shape name
- Counting how many sides to each shape
- At the end of the week, I will be giving them a quiz and see how much they learned from it. It will be a no pressure quiz, just question and answer quiz.
You can reinforce the activities included in this curriculum unit at home by observing shaped objects in your house. Each day at school we will have a special shape of the day. Your child can bring in an object from home to fit the shape of the day.
. The following finger play can be recited to foster language and memory skill
Monday- Circle
Tuesday- Rectangle
Thursday- Triangle
Friday- Heart/ Star
. The following finger play can be recited to foster language and memory skill
Circle and square
Close my eyes, shut the m tight.
(close eyes)
Make a circle with my one hand.
(make circle with hand.)
Keep them shut: make it fair.
(keep eyes shut)
With my other hand, make a square.
(make a square with other hand)
Enjoy your child!!
Ms Christine