Monday, April 4, 2011


Today in the Pre school room we are learning about puppets. Puppets are a great for communicating and expressing feelings.This week we will be examine all the different types of puppets we have in the classroom and graphing it. The letter of the week is P. I have new centers in the classroom, one center is classify buttons by color, the writing area, and we have mama vs. baby which is a center where the children identify baby animal names and adult animal names.
This morning we had cloth puppets and the children were able to design their own puppet. Some made themselves and some made nurses and tain conductors. (self expression, creative art)

 In the afternoon the children put on a puppet show. It was a great way to use their imagination and work together as a team. The children are really enjoying learning all about puppets.

Toddler News

Welcome to another week in the Toddler Room. This week we will be talking and learning about April Showers. Unfortunately the rainy weather we are having is perfect timing for us to talk about April Showers.
This morning we had story time. We read April Showers and Rainy Day Rhymes.
(Language and Listening)

We were also able to get outside for a little while. It was a little damp and chilly so we were not out long, but while out the children had free play and did a great job sharing and taking turns.
(Social skills and Sharing)

This week we are going to be working on one big project. This morning we start the first step and that was a life size portrait of each child. Later this afternoon they will be coloring the clothes and other features on their life size portraits. Through out the week we will be adding different rain gear to their portraits.
(Listening, Taking turns, and following derections)